Empowering Excellence:Unveiling the Elite Committee for the UDSM Students’ Award 2024

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Empowering Excellence: Unveiling the Elite Committee for the UDSM Students’ Award: The University of Dar es Salaam Students’ Government, under the leadership of President Hon. Hamis Seif, is proud to announce the formation of a special committee tasked with overseeing the prestigious UDSM Students’ Awards. This committee, comprising esteemed individuals, holds the responsibility of ensuring the smooth and fair execution of the awards process.

Committee for the UDSM Students' Award
Unveiling the Elite Committee for the UDSM Students’ Award

Unveiling the Elite Committee for the UDSM Students’ Award

The committee members, carefully selected for their dedication and integrity, are as follows:

  • Samwe Sebastian Mabaya
  • Farida Jumanne Shabani
  • Fogo Focus Bonelo
  • Rayson I. Renson
  • Renson K. Revocatus
  • John Robert Ngosso
  • Daniel Munga
  • Key Appointments

In addition to the committee members, President Hamis Seif has made crucial appointments to lead and facilitate the committee’s operations effectively. Mr. Daniel Munga has been appointed as the Chairman of the committee, bringing with him a wealth of experience and leadership skills. Ms. Farida Jumanne Shabani assumes the role of Vice Chairman, contributing her expertise to ensure comprehensive oversight. Lastly, Mr. Renson K. Revocatus takes on the vital position of Secretary, tasked with maintaining detailed records and facilitating communication within the committee.

The Significance of the UDSM Students’ Award

The UDSM Students’ Award holds great significance within the university community. It serves as a platform to recognize and honor outstanding achievements and contributions made by students across various fields. From academic excellence to leadership, community service, and extracurricular involvement, the awards celebrate the diverse talents and accomplishments of UDSM students.

The Role of the Elite Committee

As the custodians of the UDSM Students’ Award, the Elite Committee bears the crucial responsibility of upholding the integrity and fairness of the selection process. Their duties include:

Selection and Evaluation:

The committee will carefully review nominations and applications to identify deserving candidates across different award categories.

Fairness and Transparency:

Ensuring that the selection process remains impartial and transparent, the committee will adhere to predetermined criteria and guidelines.

Public Engagement:

The committee will actively engage with the student body, encouraging participation in the nomination and voting processes, thereby fostering a sense of inclusivity and ownership.

Award Ceremony Coordination:

From planning the award ceremony to coordinating logistics, the committee will work tirelessly to ensure a memorable and dignified event that honors the achievements of UDSM students.

Honoring Excellence

As we unveil the Elite Committee for the UDSM Students’ Award, we embark on a journey to celebrate and honor excellence within our university community. With unwavering dedication and commitment, the committee members stand poised to uphold the integrity of the awards process and showcase the remarkable achievements of UDSM students. Together, let us welcome this opportunity to acknowledge and praise the outstanding contributions that strengthen the foundation of our academic institution.

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