TAHLISO Award Interview Officially Starts On March 10

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TAHLISO award interview officially starts on March 10: In a significant development announced by the Coordination and Management Committee of the Tanzania Higher Learning Institutions Students’ Organization TAHLISO Awards 2023/24, chaired by Mr. Reuben K Ngike, the eagerly awaited TAHLISO award interview officially starts on March 10. This marks a crucial milestone in the prestigious awards ceremony that recognizes excellence and talent among students in Tanzania.

TAHLISO award interview officially starts on March 10
TAHLISO award interview officially starts on March 10

The committee, after careful deliberation during internal sessions, has made critical decisions regarding the upcoming event. Here’s a breakdown of the key details shaping this year’s TAHLISO Awards:

TAHLISO award interview officially starts on March 10

Dar es Salaam Hosts the Celebration:

The awards ceremony for the 2023/24 season will take place in the vibrant city of Dar es Salaam. While the exact location and date are still unknown, excitement is growing for a remarkable event.
Diverse Categories Await Votes:

To ensure a comprehensive acknowledgment of outstanding achievements, the committee has approved 20 categories for the 2023/24 season. These categories span various academic and creative domains, showcasing the diversity of talent within the student community.

Dropped Registration Fees Encourage Participation:

In a move aimed at fostering inclusion and encouraging maximum participation, the committee has decided not to charge registration fees for students competing for TAHLISO awards this season. This initiative opens doors for a wider range of students to showcase their skills and compete for recognition.

Registration Process Details:

The highly anticipated registration process is slated to officially open on March 10, 2024, at 3:00 AM. Students eager to join in this exciting opportunity will have until March 13, 2024, at 6:00 PM to complete their registrations. This window provides ample time for aspiring participants to ensure their eligibility and submit their entries.

Participant Criteria Set for Fair Play:

To maintain fairness and integrity throughout the competition, the committee has outlined specific criteria for participants:
Participants must be active students registered at higher education institutions in Tanzania, including both the mainland and Zanzibar.
Providing accurate information during registration is crucial, facilitating a transparent identification process based on chosen categories.
Strict measures against dishonesty at any stage of the process have been established, ensuring the integrity of the competition.
As the TAHLISO award interview officially starts on March 10, the committee promises to keep the public informed at every stage of the process. Continuous updates will be shared, and the committee extends its call for strong cooperation from leaders and students alike.

This exciting journey, marked by excellence and recognition, promises to be a showcase of talent, determination, and achievement. Stay tuned for more updates as the TAHLISO Awards progress, shaping the future for aspiring students in Tanzania.

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